Monday, February 11, 2008

Warm Winter in England

A short post today about recent mild winters in England. Far be it from me to relate this directly to climate change, but some people seem more swayed by anecdotal 'evidence' than the science.

On January 2nd, UPI announced that the mild winter was causing daffodils to bloom months earlier than usual. They also cited concern at Kew Botanical Gardens (just outside London) over changes in behavior observed since the 1980s in more than 75% of plant species whose biological patterns depend on temperature.

Now, well actually last week, Reuters reports similar concern over tortoises coming out of hibernation too early. Owners are advised to put them in the refrigerator, making sure you open it once a day to get some air in. See for full story.

1 comment:

Tony Welsh said...

Those interested in early blooming plants might want to take a look at Project Budburst where you can report your own sightings and see those of others.